Saturday, June 30, 2012

Japan - Preparation

walaupun booking tiket dari bulan september 2011, tp persiapan saya menuju tokyo ini baru dimulai 2 minggu sebelum berangkat,, hal pertama yg saya lakuin adalah bikin itinerary.. berhubung saya pergi sendiri, jadi itinerary saya bikin sekomplit2nya,, dari bagaimana menuju daerah wisata, sampai jam berapa harus pergi kesana dan kesini,,, :D berikut persiapan lain yg saya lakukan sebelum menulis tentang hari hari saya selama di jepang :

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

naik kereta api.....

Naik Kereta api..tut..tut..tut.... siapa hendak cirebon  ayo jalan,, lekaslah keretaku tak berhenti lama.... 

Akhirnya akhir bulan mei kemarin kesampean juga untuk naik kereta jarak jauh... dari gambir ke cirebon... 

pertama kali pergi rada bingung sih, masalahnya belom pernah sama sekali ke stasiun gambir,,, en berdasarkan pengamatan di televisi waktu mudik lebaran, gw selalu berfikir kalo gambir itu kumuh banget,,desek2an en banyak pas gw sampe kesana, stasiun ini lumayan nyaman kok..... sayangnya selama gw menunggu sampai ke atas peron, gw harus menenteng koper saat naik tangga, turun tangga (waktu itu diajak temen makan di lantai 2, tempat yg bebas merokok)... 

oia,,saat itu gw naik argo bromo, yang kelas 1 atau bisnis ya... yg harga tiketnya 110rb...disana kursinya bisa diputer2,, jadi klo cuma pergi be2, en ga mo hadap2an sama orang didepan kita, ya balikin aja tuh kursi mereka kearah depan..hihihihi.... trus ada colokan listrik juga...penyelamat nyawa yg udah kembang kempis karena ga bisa online..... klo di cirebon express colokannya ada 2. setiap kursinya

hmmm..... trus sampe di stasiun cirebon,, kembali lagi saya harus nenteng nenteng koper dengan high heels setinggi 9 cm....... wassalam..... canggih bener deh saya saat itu.... :d

notes buat yg masih newbie naik kereta kaya saya,,, berikut sedikit tips berdasarkan pengalaman : 
- gaya boleh, tp jgn pake high heels
- mending bawa backpack 
- klo tetep ngeyel bawa koper, bawa yg koper kecil ajah
- klo masih mo bawa koper gede, sewa tukang angkut ajah
- jgn pake rok mini,,, karena pas naik tangga bisa di intip dari bawah 
- klo lagi cape banget, trus pingin tidur,,, liat sekeliling,,, klo ketemu anak kecil rese yang emaknya ga bisa ngurusin anaknya,,, mending langsung sumpel kuping ajah.... (hehehe..yg ini cuma kidding, tp saya sempet merasa terganggu sama amukan anak kecil yg emaknya sendiri cuma diem doank)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ayuthaya , 12 januari 2011

dari blog lama saya....

i havent told about ayyutaya right.... here's the stories...

it's a gloomy day, dark outside..but this morning we wanna go to ayyutaya...
we go to hualumping railways station, and take class 3 train.... it's only 15 bath and take 2 hours to go there. i dont have any idea what is ayyutaya look like..all i know, there are so many wat and some floating market... 

when we arrive, we go to information for free map and ask some info... she told us that we can take tuk-tuk for 200 bath/hour (didnt mention that it's for one tuk-tuk, not one person).... so we decide to look the map first.. a man come to us and show beautifull pic... he told this one is wat xxxx, this one is wat xxxx, this one is wat abcd.... and he told us that he's liscence tuk-tuk driver..wont cheat on us..
I say no to him, but he refuse and keep force tell him that we wanna walk and think about that first. So we walk along the street, but the tuktuk driver follow us behind…so many dogs on the street (we’re afraid with dog), some dog are sleep….and there’s one is barking to us and come closer just like wanna bite us… ika scream at that time…she said “no…… just take tuk-tuk…let’s take tuktuk…” and the tuktuk driver come to us…and said “I told u not to walk, why u walk this far… so many dogs in here, and they can bite u… so lets just take my tuktuk”……no option anymore… ika is afraid and sit on tuk tuk already… so in a very calm face, I tell him… “oh, I just want to go to seven eleven in there (point him a 7-11), he bring us to 7-11 then…after that he bring us around ayyutaya (which is very big village)…. Oia…. On the way,, we change car.. her wife took a small car, and bring us around (without extra cost), while he back again to station.

The driver bring us to first wat (I forgot the name), she  say.. “here we come.. u can pay ticket and go up, take pic, beautiful inside”…. So we do that… we pay ticket, we take a walk and take pics…and go upstairs (very high stairs), and do u know what happen inside??>…….. nothing…. Nothing there just a budha statue…… fuiiiihhhh….. so we go down, and go to other wat…. And this lady always said “go up, take pic, beautiful inside”….alamak……… 

After we finished all session, we go back to Bangkok by bus…. She told me it’s only 1 hour ride… but in fact, it’s take 2 hours to arrive mo chit terminal…and still far away from shukumvit… we take a bus, and ask if they will pass siam paragon or not… and they said yes…. But they stop on the mo chit BTS  and ask us to go there (and we need to pay 18 bath for a 5 minutes journey)…aarrrrrggghhhh…… so we go to bts,,,and buy ticket……. And again….. since I’m so upset, I choose wrong destination…. I choose 2 BTS before Siam bts…. Hiiiklkkksssss…. So we go out from BTS station,,,and take taxi to siam paragon…… and take our dinner in there…..
What a unlucky day……

Monday, June 11, 2012

IT'S DONE...full STOP....NO COMA.... no space

11/06/2012   9:07pm

Not only food, but love also have an expired date,,,

There’s a time when I love u the most…. The time when I hope we can make it to a serious relationship. Until I realize that a healthy relationship should have 2 ways communication,,, not only me that work for it, not only me who hope for it.

There’s a time when we go together….. spend days together,,,,,, sometimes only sit there and silent,,, not talking each others,,, but I feel warm every time see your face and smile..

Many nites I think about this,,, if we can continue our relationship, what will it be…. Where am I in your future…. Many nites I think about that, just thinking….never ask….coz I’m afraid with the answer… the answer that i already know.

Need 2 months to think about it, need 2 months to know that my feeling fade away….. disappear with times…. Blow by the winds…..

Tonite……. 11 june 2012…… 9.20 pm…….. I decide that my love for you is expired… YES, IT’S DONE ALREADY.. full stop, no coma, no space. There’s no option but done itself.

I’m hurt…I’m not fine. I am definitely in pain… and recognize that I’m not fine is make me better. It’s not worth waiting for. I have to move on.. sometimes, we have to spend  so much time coming up with a conclusion that we already know. Like me…

It’s Monday 11 june 2012, 9.20 pm…when I decided to consider him as one of my friends…

Thank you for being very nice and hurt my heart so i can learn to be a better girl.

June 11, 2012

Thanks to “life treveler” by mba windy ariestanty that make me realize what I’m searching for….  

note: this blog is dedicated for someone who i called dear2,, hey,,, when u said "u didnt love me" at that nite,, i really want to say that i love u more that u thinking about,,,,,, but now it's's's done... u have ur life.... i also have my life...

10 days to go

Setelah hampir 10 bulan saya memesan tiket perjalanan ke jepang ini, akhirnya 10 hari lagi saya bisa menjejakan kaki saya di negeri sakura itu.... aaahhh senangnya...

Deg degan... itu perasaan yang masih terjadi sampai saat ini,,, mungkin sampai dengan hari saya kembali ke jakarta, saya akan terus deg-degan.... gimana ga?? secara kali ini saya pergi sendiri selama 9 hari ke negeri orang yang bahasanya sendiri saya ga ngerti...1 kalimatpun...... eeerrrggghhhh..

source :

awalnya sempet mo mundur sih, tp masa belom dicoba udah mundur...setidaknya kalo emang ga berani kemana-mana ya udah ada hotel kan..... bobo -bobo cantik aja di hotel sampai saat kembali pun tiba.... hihihihi...

oia...udah saya sebut kan kalo saya pergi sendiri,,, dulu saat saya cerita sama temen saya, dia sampe angkat tangan ngasih simbol kalo dia nyembah,,,ada juga yang tepok tangan, plus ada yang bilang 'GILA LO YA VIR?".,....tapi ga jarang juga ada yang bilang,,, eh perginya kapan sih? gw ikutan boleh?.... tp setelah dipikir pikir, saya bilang kemereka kalo saya mo pergi sendiri ajah.... it's a challenge for self...and my pride...... hahahaha........

selain itu ada juga yang bilang, ah disini nya sendiri,,,disananya pake tour kan? kaya di phuket? or hmmm,,paling disana ada temen......aaahhh,,,saya bener2 sendiri, urus itin sendiri, ga pake tour, ga ada temen...(ada 1 temen di tokyo sih, tp paling ketemu pun cuma sejam dua jam, ga mungkin anter saya muter2 tokyo toh).... 

kemarin juga rancang itin sendiri,,berhubung gw beli tiketnya PP dari kansai airport,, jdlah gw musti balik ke osaka lagi.... berikut itin secara general : 

day 1 : jkt-osaka
day 2 : osaka 
day 3 : tokyo
day 4  :mount fuji
day 5 : tokyo
day 6 : kyoto 
day 7 : nara
day 8 : osaka 
day 9 : balik osaka-jakarta 

hmmmm...perincian awal sih cuma abis 6 juta termasuk hotel, transport selama di kota2 tersebut, bus willer dari osaka-tokyo-kyoto, makan 3x 8 hari,tiket masuk ke kuro puroland en doraemon museum.... hmmm,,,semoga ga akan lebih dari itu ya...;)

tunggu kisah selanjutnya ya........ hope it will be a great holiday for me ;) doakan ya teman teman